I was reading a post on Facebook the other day and it was from a fellow cake decorator asking "You Know you're a Cake Decorator when..." and I found myself agreeing with the response by so many followers...unfortunately when I tried to go back and find the story to post the link, I couldn't find it.
It's a huge world out there but with tools like Facebook and google at your fingertips, there is no limit.
There are many cake decorators out there...so many wonderful creations being made every minute...and they just keep on coming!
The amount of brilliant cakers' I am linked to on social networking is amazing. Watching what they do every week keeps me making cakes. We could never have dreamed of doing this years ago. The fact that they are welcoming and happy to share what they do each week is even more amazing when you think that in so many areas, hospitality closes it's doors to the 'competition' in case ideas are stolen.
There are people like Karen Portaleo (https://www.facebook.com/karen.portaleo?fref=ts) - a genius by any other name! Seeing her cakes makes me smile in awe and hope that one day I can be as good as her. Craftsmanship that belongs with the classic artists like Rembrandt and Michelangelo yet households around the world don't recognise her name unless they are interested in cakes.
Her talents are extraordinary and could rival any sculpture out there when you realise that her art is edible!
The Mermaid on the left is just one of her many cake creations and as you can see, she is breathtaking!

The icing is perfect and the figurines faultless! I could sit and look at every minuscule millimeter and don't think I would find anything out of place.
Debbie Brown cakes, Rosebud Cakes, Davids Cakes, Michelle SugarArt, Cakes by Molly, Richards' Cakes and the list goes on and on and on....
All around the world, they gather in their studios and work their butts off (excuse the Aussie colloquialism) and show us the extraordinary world of cake decorating.
Traveling to the UK and Italy last May was unbelievable and made me realise I need to take time out every once in a while just to meet some of these fantastic inspirations in the flesh. With a group of established Brisbane/Toowoomba cakers like Cakes by Simone, Celebrity Cakes, Contemporary Cakes, Your Cake Kitchen and Merivale Cakes with students who were undertaking classes in cake decorating we set off to explore and meet some of our idols. This is our photo below on the last day with two of the leading ladies of the British Sugarcraft Guild.
With two days to spend in London, four of us took in as many sights as we could. This included the newly opened Choccywoccydoodah (knew we couldn't make it to Brighton in time)! So I was ecstatic we could go there! Upstairs we settled in to a warm cup of hot chocolate and polished off the dessert plates between us.
four of us set off towards Birmingham and our major stop - the British Sugar Guilds Cake Convention via Wales. I must say that the late sunset really threw off my body clock!
In amongst many little pit stops we got to try places like a small tea room near Covent Garden and see the sweets and goodies at Fortnum & Mason.
But it was time to leave for Telford so we gathered into our hired car.
First stop - Eric Lanlards' boutique in Battersea: "the cake boy"! ...and for those of you who think I used the female version of the name - Not at all! I came up with my business name when I saw a car with the licence plate: CKE 80Y in Sydney approximately 14 years ago. I was watching Lifestyle food channel and saw Eric Lanlards show for the first time about two years ago when I heard of his nickname!
But anyway, his quaint patisserie had the most extraordinary desserts! We all dug in and swapped and shared...that seemed to be the best way for all of us to try everything we could without having too much! Pity he wasn't in but apparently was in London filming a special that day :(
With quite a bit of sightseeing thrown in - including Bath and Cardiff (me - huge Doctor Who/Torchwood fan!) we arrived exhausted in Birmingham!

Lots of chatting and exchanging of details, opening up our network of cake decorators. Even down to our famous USA/Canadian counterparts: Mary-Sue, Barb, Mary-Jo & Barry.
On the weekend, we all had the British Sugarcraft Guild Convention with loads of small demonstrations booked in by people like Debbie Brown, Karen Davies, Francis McNaughton & Dawn Butler
Then there were the people who I have only heard of like Tomby Peck, Marion Frost or had books on my shelves from Lindy Smith, Stephen Benison, Peggy Porschen & Mitch Turner.

As you can well imagine, the days were full of learning, fun and continuous talk of who we had met and what we had learnt.

So much enthusiasm and willingness to show and share their knowledge and passion.
We're very fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet and liaise with people like this and it's what make my life all the more interesting.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. cake decorating can be a stimulating rewarding career if you put the time and effort in!