31 March 2010

Fantasy - the sky's the limit!

Day 2 of my new found blogging. Already I feel addicted and can see why so many people have turned to it as a new found diary entry re-invented for the new millenia.
It's been a day of baking and playing catch-ups as I'm still behind on computer work since having a pulmonary embolism. Instead I'm here playing with my new found friend and have decided to dedicate a few hours each week to keeping up with the X-gener's. This week involves an R2D2 tribute for a little boy, a couple of "au natural" wedding cakes and a jukebox for a 50th birthday.

"Natural Beauty" - just a token photo of what I mean when I say a "natural" cake.


  1. Hi Cake Girl

    Great Cakes!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks! With great clients' like you how could I go wrong?
